Entertainment at NWLC

Emcee, Friday & Saturday evenings: Buck

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Bootblack! Buck is an accomplished bootblack and kink educator, with over 15 years of experience in the scene, and 13 years as a bootblack. He has been teaching bootblacking and leather care on TikTok since April 2022, and has taught kink and play classes for events and clubs such as Wicked in the West, Palm Springs Leather Order of the Desert, and GearUp Weedkend. A versatile switch, Buck finds enjoyment in prioritizing connected experiences when engaging in play regardless of the position and role he finds himself in.

When not bootblacking, he can be found nerding out with friends over card and video games, telling bad jokes that he knows will get him in trouble with his Daddy, singing along with showtunes in his car, and posting shameless thirst-trap selfies from the gym locker room.

Emcee, Saturday afternoon: Moxie Minion

Moxie Minion, Northwest Bootblack 2018, is a passionate advocate and educator in the art of bootblacking. As a service person, in the leather community, Moxie serves as the Contest Director for the Northwest Bootblack competition and Bootblack coordinator at SPLF, dedicating time and energy to fostering talent within the niche. Beyond regional borders, Moxie enjoys educating both in person, and online.

Moxie's love for bootblacking is evident in every meticulous stroke and shine, reflecting not only a skillful craft but also a deep connection to the leather lifestyle. With a commitment to education, competition, and organization, Moxie Minion continues to leave an indelible mark on the leather community. Beyond the leather, Moxie likes to surround herself with her chosen family, creating a supportive and inclusive community for all who share her passion.

Emcee, Thursday evening & Sunday brunch: Pixie

Pixie has been tending to the Leather Community since 2008, lucky enough to have contributed behind-the-scenes for a multitude of events across the country with a few cameo teaching opportunities. Most recently Pixie has been focusing on tending to their family and doctoral studies. They are honored to continue to serve as the Northwest Leather Celebration Contest Director.